So I completed mission impossible - I took a trip without any kids! (We won't count the one growing inside me). It was a fantastic trip. One week of bliss. In fact nothing phased me, this trip was sure to be the best as for the first time in six years I was in charge. Yes, no baby, toddler, child to pull on my arm and direct my day. Amazing I felt like a queen the entire time. You could loose my luggage, burn my toast, set off the hotel fire alarm and it would still have been the best holiday ever. (Now none of these things did happen, I did have the usual delays but I don't even remember them.) This is one of my favorite views in SF. I took this photo the minute we arrived and after bought an heirloom tomato to snack on. The thing I miss most about CA is fresh produce - they don't know how lucky they are. Here in Dublin I dream about a fridge full of ripe red tomatoes. Can't wait to be back.