I find with 5 kids in the house even with two adults it is near impossible to get even the simplist task completed. Booking flights on-line should be so painless -right?
Today I had to go down stairs to get my credit card. An operation which should take at most 30 seconds but 20 min later I am cutting a peanutbutter and banana sandwich (after checking homework, changing a diaper and settling minor power struggle). Then when I return to my computer to book flights I find it has "timed-out"!
Due to some unavoidable interruptions (oh and some avoidable ones) it has taken me two days to book 2 flights.
Here is said sandwich emergency and oh yeah I had to critic the current art project as there is now a competition in the house for Christmas art! I didn't like to suggest it might be a bit early to start that collection. Artists are a bit sensitive to a negative vibe especially if it is coming from mom.
I know I am doing all day long but as for getting things done it can be a little difficult.